Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka; Get Real

This is a Response to the article Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka on The Korean Times!

Sadly Ms. Sengupta seems to be detached from Reality & History of the situation in Sri Lanka!

What she forgets is to analyse the History of the conflict & LTTE Terrorists. If she knew the history of this conflict it wouldn't be difficult for her to know that the LTTE systematically annihilated all Tamil voices & moderate politicians to build up the image as the sole representatives of the Tamils. This is the image the LTTE projected, but now it has been proved without a doubt that this is a mere myth. Look at the political revolution in the Central & Eastern provinces, Colombo.

Furthermore if she had studied the history of the LTTE, without just skimming the surface, she would know that the LTTE has no interest in moderate politics or peace, they want nothing short of a separate state. The LTTE unilaterally withdrew from the Ceasefire/Peace talks of 1990 & 1994 and started Eelam War 2 & 3. The 2001 Ceasefire/Peace talks too were violated over 3500 times by the LTTE compared to 150 times by the Military (of which most were trivial). The LTTE targeted civilians, politicians, Military personnel & Intelligence operatives during the 2001 ceasefire! It has been proved beyond any doubt that the LTTE only uses Ceasefires/Peace talks to regroup & rearm. The LTTE shipped in planes, communication equipment, Heavy weapons, Submarine technology & tons of military hardware during the 2001 ceasefire. Furthermore they used this period to gain legitimacy & establish their financial networks & smuggling rings, and lobbyists & propaganda networks. Hence this proves that the LTTE has no genuine interest in Peace or a Political solution. What more the LTTE leadership cannot survive outside their current organisational structure due to atrocities they have committed & since they are wanted in both Sri Lanka & India.  But without a doubt the establishment of Eelam will not be allowed by Sri Lanka nor India nor many other countries since it would lead to the rise of secessionist movements around the globe!

The only way the Tamil people in Sri Lanka can receive a political solution is if the LTTE is eradicated, which would allow moderate & legitimate Tamil politicians to speak on behalf of the Tamils, paving the way for constructive dialog & a realistic political solution. 

Regarding discrimination of Tamils, there is ample proof that Tamils enjoy equal rights to Life, Freedom-of-Speech, Freedom-of-Movement, Education, Employment, Political views, Healthcare, Land & property etc. to that of the Sinhalese & Muslims of Sri Lanka. If Ms. Sengupta has ever visited Sri Lanka & visited any city she will realise that Tamils enjoy rights & freedom as any other race! It may not be visible to Ms. Sengupta looking at Sri Lanka from across the sea. Discrimination did happen in Sri Lanka three decades ago, but Sri Lanka has learned it's lesson & Moved on. The only place where Tamils have not had any rights, not even the right to Life, is under LTTE Tyranny. Just look at how the LTTE is force conscripting children & other civilians to fight, using forced labour & Holding Tamil civilians as human shields, shooting & torturing any Tamil who tries to flee their grip. What more their Terrorising happens not only in Sri Lanka but in UK, France, Canada, Switzerland & other places too. The Tamils cannot escape LTTE Tyranny even if they flee to foreign country! Is this not proof enough that the Tamil people have no rights what so ever under the LTTE & have to be freed from the LTTE Terrorists? 

More proof that, a Solution to what ever grievances the Tamils have is only possible after the militarily eradication of the LTTE Terrorists!

Regarding the argument of separate homelands, History shows that there have been Chola invasions of the North of Sri Lanka & counter invasions of the Chola kingdom by Lanka. There were also mutual military support in the form of armies provided by South Indians to Lanka & Lankan kings to South India to fight off enemies. What more the migration between South India & Sri Lanka's North has been easy due to the close proximity & the land bridge that existed. Hence the North has always had a Tamil majority. There is only a concept of "Lanka" ("Island" is sanskrit) as a single Nation and not as separate Tamil homeland & Sinhalese homeland. Please Ms. Sengupta do a little bit more research on Sri Lankan history before you try to draw any historical justification of a Tamil Nation! Even the Ramayan talks about "Lanka" & not about a separate Eelam & a separate Lanka! Even tough Tamil grievances may have been expressed after independence from Britain 61 years ago, so recent history cannot be used to create concept of a Tamil homeland in an Island which has a written history of over 2500 years!

Finally I have to say that Ms. Sengupta's informations sources are from the 80s & early 90s or she has been duped by LTTE Terrorist false propaganda to say something like "Sri Lankan Army continues intimidating the local populace on the Jaffna" & "Unless Colombo can rein in its death squad and prevent reprisal attacks against Tamil civilians"!

Please Ms. Sengupta, try to be more accurate with your facts, else people might think that you are on the pay-list of the LTTE, like many journalist, politicians, Humanitarian & Rights "activists", and NGO employees have proven to be!


Anonymous said...

I think you shouldn't jump to conclusions yourself. What is the cause of SL gov't to fight with the LTTE? There is no magic bullet answer to that question, but the SL gov't have masked the problem and labelled it as the "fight against terrorism." "Get rid of the terrorism, and SL will be at peace" Quite the contrary because essentially the LTTE are liberation fighters, please mind that. But I guess "one person's freedom fighter is another person's terrorist, no?" With that being said, I don't mean to put-down the SL army, they are doing "their job" because they are doing what the state has commanded. Peace will only come to SL when there is no corrupt gov't, and an army that will serve all it's citizens, until then, the Tamils of SL can only rely on LTTE.

Anonymous said...

Well come to think of it, the LTTE HAS eliminated all democratic Tamil representations in the past (except Eelam Peoples Democratic Party which has thankfully survived), sooo...oh i dunno...maybe the LTTE want to be the ONLY group to represent the Tamils? Just a thought.

However, if Tamils of SL can only rely on LTTE then why is it that majority of Tamils have always lived outside of LTTE controlled territory? People are so hard to understand right? Hmmm maybe the Sri Lankan government is holding them hostage and making them pretend like they have houses, businesses, careers, schools, temples and all that. Alright enough with the sarcasm..

You really need to take a visit to Sri Lanka and visit places outside of LTTE territory. You'll see that Tamils are more happy without the LTTE.

Oh and please if you can...ask the LTTE to stop holding civilians hostage in the conflict zones, to stop using them as human shields and to stop shooting at them when they try to run away to the safe zones. The UN and Amnesty International are noticing too

Sam said...

I think first anon have a point and if we understand where first anon coming from, we can understand great deal about the conflict and even we may understand Ms. Sengupta.
Here are some facts, for any one really wants to “think” about it.

1. Majority of Tamils live outside Sri Lanka.
2. Tamils are not the exclusive minority in SL, but they are the only minority that demand exclusive land and exclusive political rights (in the early state).
3. Every minority in every country in the world get there ass-kicked, before they win *rights for everyone* (please note the word “everyone”).
4. Tamils are superior people with wealth, fame and influence (at least compared to Sinhalese who they have to put up with)
5. Sri Lanka is a poor, corrupted country (when you compared to Canada and EU where Tamils live) or may I say Sri Lanka is not up to their standards (and even not up to most of Sinhalese too). You can see this idea in first anon’s comments.
6. Even Tamils live in Sri Lanka, reluctant to take responsibility (fact: rights come with responsibility). At the same time first anon hint “SL army does not serve all its citizens” he ignores the fact, all citizens (well, Tamils) do not willing to serve SL army either.

If you have more free time to “think”, try to put this in perspective with something like “black American” struggle eventually brought rights to everyone, not just blacks. The philosophy behind MLK, and philosophy behind LTTE and are likes. Why Blacks didn’t pursuit for separate country, even while blacks were treated more harshly and brutally than Tamils. And why Blacks did not start their struggle by requesting 50-50 parliamentarian rights. There is lot to think about. if you do, you can see where Ms. Sengupta coming from.

Anonymous said...

A well judged response indeed. The LTTE is the cause for the current problem and can never be part of the solution, that much is certain. Just see how many tamil prabhakaran has killed and also lead to their deaths for his miserable cause all for nothing. Just see how the tamils have been living under his rule, all in tin huts, and coconut leaf thatched houses! The only things that developed were the luxurious bunkers that prabha and other terrorist leaders stayed in.

Terrorism will be eradicated from my country and then we will build our nation so that all tamils will be able to live with dignity!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sam for that informative response. I believe it is an asset to "think" in an open-minded framework. And I thought it was effective that you had laid out the facts. The lack of this kind of reasoning, can be connected to this ethnic conflict. We all come with our baggage, but sometimes we need to detach from that ego, stubborness and ultimately face the truth. But this is NOT easy. Firstly, changing views isn't easy. Secondly, what is the truth?

In order to bring a resolution to this war, these two matters have to be reviewed. From responses to these articles, and many more, I've noticed that there are different prespective on the history of Tamils in Sri Lanka. We need to get this cleared, and brought to a consensus. Then only, do we have a common ground.

But I can see the frustration people have against the LTTE. But again, what is the true cause of their frustration? Is it the so-called LTTE boming the Tamil civilians? If so, why is this sympathy coming now, instead of when Tamils were tormented/discriminated in several occasions in the past.

Anyways, I can go on and on...but I just wanted to say as I have said in my previous response, eradicating "terrorism" in SL, will not solve the problem. Terrorism will prevail in the present of injustice. Let's look at the root of the problems, not the shoots.

Sam said...

Indeed, de-learning is the hardest thing in the world. Do you think clearing up history would solve the problem? I mean, history written after the agenda. Always. In other word, written history is a result of current situation, not current situation a result of written history. Isn’t it?

It is a good question, matter of fact very good question why people worry about LTTE is killing Tamil people now, and why did not worry about when they were killing Tamils. Same situation, why Tamils complain when SL government (or Sinhalese or whatever you name) hurting them and why no Tamil speak out when LTTE doing the same. I think because, by nature, humans are manipulaters.

I totally agree with you in the sentence “Terrorism will prevail in the present of injustice.” Now Justice is for everyone, always. If you look at most of the countries, they accrued their justice and rights, only after a minority’s struggle. And then everyone enjoy those rights. American minorities (such as gays) still in the same process. But do you think honestly Tamils in SL fought for such a justice or rights, I think they are not. (tell me if I’m wrong.) and I think there are reasons for that. IF (note capital if) and when, Tamils accept Sri Lanka as the place they ought to be, they will fight for Rights. They have no choice. And they have to win. Every country need that struggle. But what happens now is not that.

It is defiantly hard for anyone to put the finger on one place and say this the cause of it, and if someone try to do that, that means he/she don’t understand any bit of it. It is quite delightful to see someone finally talk about it in more broader level. Thanks for that anon.

Anonymous said...

asking your self WHY? and research and you'll find your truth. Research and look through the iron curtain that the Sri Lankan government has put. The struggle for freedom has started long before LTTE took arms. Learn your history before you speak. Stop speaking giving bias information.

Take the time to read the findings:

ProSinhalese members abroad are spreading their governments propaganda.