Monday, June 1, 2009

Arjunan Ethirveerasingam, Sinhala Traitors & HRC Special Session

Are these the type of People that the UN rely for credible Information to have a war-crime probe? American-born Arjunan Ethirveerasingam is a brave man. Having told an acquaintance in Colombo that he worked for the Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation, an NGO tainted by its affiliations to the LTTE once upon a time, back in peace time, he paid dearly by having his front teeth knocked out (He did have his teeth knocked out when got so drunk at a Party, then he pulled out a photgraph of Prabhakarna and shouted "the hero who would teach the Sri Lankans a lesson that they would never forget", one guy at the party aimed his cell phone, this bugger lost his front teeth). : A group of civil society activists including well known human rights activist Mrs. Nimalka Fernando and Free Lance journalist Ravi Chandralal are in Geneva now in an independent visit to explain the fragile human rights situation and the media suppression in the country. Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) London chief Arjunan Ediriweerasingham also joined this team together with an ethnic Sinhalese actress (Nimmi Harasgama, Arjunan's Bitch). TRO is banned in Sri Lanka.

Arjunan Active on the Sri Lanka smear campaign... (at the Special Session of the Human Rights Council) (at the Special Session of the Human Rights Council) watch how the lowlife is planning, he compaires Che to the Dead-LTTE-Fat-Pig LOL!

Some Interesting Tweets;

have u read bout che? not much difference btwn him & LTTE & other rebels-it's a messy biz-he just died early & was good lookin

ban(K)-moon is a worthless piece of sh*te - worst Sec Gen EVER

Day two of the UN Human Rights Council Special Session on SL. African, Asian OIC, NAM all against us - EU with us

sri lanka writes its own resolution and it gets passed... MOTHERFUCKERS... MOTHERFUCKERS MOTHERFUCKERS... less than

don't worry they will-US plan is/was 1) 'defeat' LTTE, 2) remove anti-west SL govt - so US will now push war crimes 2 control

@_M_I_A_ how bout this 4 an ad campaign: "Victoria's got a secret - GENOCIDE"-leggy models running round NYC with genocide stenciled on them

M.I.A. twittered about a video that i made using clips sent to to me from the Vanni - AMAZING -

@_M_I_A_ watch this - they used video from our ftp site - from the 'safe zone'


Hakim said...

Isn't that Indi's Flicker account! seems he's so pally with that Terror bastard! Always Knew Indi was a "Judas". Now he's into NGO business too.. typical Peacenick... make your money from the suffering of the others!

Dugi said...

Arjunan is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!
He's gorgeous, plus he's someone who believes Tamil people need a voice and is out there doing something about it politically in the international community/ UN.
He sure is a million times better than arm chair (/laptop) critics and their verbal diarrhoea.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about Hot or gorgeous, All I know is the Fellow is a Terrorist and Actively Involved in Purchasing Weapons to Kill Tamils in Sri Lanka!

May be he is a voice for the Tamil Diaspora, but for sure not for the Sri Lankan Tamils!

Anonymous said...

i hear he has a huge cock too... that's why all the girls in colombo loved him...!!!

indi said...

That is my Flickr and I have hung out with Arjunan.

I disagree with him on pretty much everything. I still correspond with him occasionally to get a sense of what that part of the diaspora is thinking. I try to reason with him/them to consider and respect a united Sri Lanka. Without much success I might add.

@Hakim - I don't work for any NGOs and never have. Sarvodaya is a national peoples movement, though some people call it an NGO. It's locally founded, village based and pretty well respected in Sri Lanka. I volunteer there as much as I can.

I also work with a newly founded Trust which itself coordinates closely with the Ministry of Health and the Army.

I don't take any money for my work, I actually donate a fair amount of money, which I saved/make in the private sector.

Hakim said...


My bad... SORRY for misinterpreting the NGO connection.

Sanya said...

Wasting time slandering someone isn't going to distract the world from the big issues - ie. the 300,000 civilians in camps (incl. the massive lack of food and medicine), the fact that these people are imprisoned behind barbed wire with no independent observers to fully oversee operations, the fact that GoSL want other countries' money but refuse to allow unrestricted access to the camps etc etc..perhaps putting ur efforts towards these issues (instead of being so desperate that you go to such lengths to diss someone) would help to make the world a better place.

Anonymous said...

If you have NOTHING to hide...then why try your hardest to avoid an investigation...?

Answer this question than try to dig the past of humane people that are trying to seek the truth.

IF you have done no sin in your past, then you can cast a vote on others who defend humanity...!!!

If not, then stand aside or fight for humanity...!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon just above this,

"If you have NOTHING to hide...then why try your hardest to avoid an investigation...?"

Well cause there nothing in this world called "Impartial". They will find WHAT THEY WANT TO FIND! And that is not necessarily the TRUTH... and most likely with NGOs, HRW & AI & Even UN involved is it going to be what the LTTE Sympathisers want!

What more SL is an Independent Country, would the US, UK or any country allow an Investigation into their affairs?


"Wasting time slandering someone isn't going to distract the world from the big issues - ie. the 300,000 civilians in camps"

Well may be you Diaspora Including Arjunan can stop slandering Sri Lanka, blocking streets in London, Paris, Toronto etc. and send a few Million USDs (or aid) to help the Tamil IDPs... (through internationally accepted mean, not by smuggling or trying to force yourself into a country like the Vanni Mission is trying to do)!

Well you fellows managed, what was it 300Mil a year for LTTE to buy arms to Kill Sri Lankan Tamils right? So may be if you really try hard, stop bribing Politicians, journalists & HR Vultures and put that money you spend on protest, to feed a few Sri Lankan Tamils, that might be better!

Anonymous said...

ah, anon, you're a fool:
"What more SL is an Independent Country, would the US, UK or any country allow an Investigation into their affairs?"

yes, actually, AI, HRW etc are FREE to enter and investigate and they DO check their websites

and also those countries investigate and prosecute those who commit crimes unlike sri lanka... those who committed crimes in abu graibe are in prison... are those SLA who killed the ACF 17 in jail? or who killed lasantha?

they have an open society in the west... you do not...

Anonymous said...

also, anon, we are already sending money to give assistance and do the government's job...

what kind of country can't even take care of it's own people...

a beggar country like SL...

the tamil people will help the tamil people - we don't ever expect the GOSL to help us

Anonymous said...

that is the worst defence i have ever heard in my life - why not allow an investigation - how can you argue that cold hard evidence is NOT the "TRUTH" ??? If the GoSL has done nothing wrong, then you have nothing to fear :) No evidence of wrongdoing will come up!

This "independent country" you speak of is the same country begging other countries for funding. These other countries have a right to know where their money is going, and whether they are supporting a Govt guilty of human rights abuses.

It is the GoSL's choice to detain these civilians in barbed wire camps - the money they used to buy weapons should be now spent on aiding these people. Now, you must be kidding yourself if you think the Diaspora are not helping - we are the only ones who will care enough to send money. While I would prefer to send it through Australian aid agencies, who can ensure every dollar goes to the IDP's and not in the GoSL's pocket, they are having a tough time convincing your Govt to oversee processes from end to end. I have no choice but to send the money through the current means and hope it ACTUALLY gets there..I spoke to a Tamil surgeon who said - "with a click of a finger, I can have 300 doctors on the ground, treating these IDP's...but I cannot get access." We have the money and the resources but are only stopped by your beloved Govt's restrictions. Don't be so foolish as to suggest we are not willing to send money or do everything possible to help these people.

sanya said...

Sorry - that was my comment above.

Sue said...

Nimmi is obviously very desperate for sticking with this Arjunan guy..I'm thinking what she finds good in him except for his looks? Nimmi, where are to comment on that?? Nimmi-your a traitor

Anonymous said...

"sue" learn english, it's "you're" not "your"

silly twat

Sue said...

Thx Anonymous English professor..please pardon my slip of my digit on my keyboard...haha

Anonymous said...


great if you can have 300 docs in a click of a finger, or a snap of finger like a magician! Bravo!

Its also great to hear that money is not a problem, after all you guys probably have some leftover Dollers from the collection for the "Final War"! Bravo Bravo!

Well rather than complaining, is it not better to find a solution to the problem of getting them over somehow?

Why not give the money to the WFP, UNCHR or some other group who have full access? Don't give it to the SL Gov it will take ages to get it through the bureaucratic process. The WFP needs 35 Mil USD to feed the refugees till the end of the year! SO there is a possible solution to having money but not being able to get it to the needy!

The Doctors are great if they can go to SL, but only under clear mind to treat the people, not with the ideology of spreading hatred, separatism, or the aspirations of a (utopian) Eelam! Welcome as long as you come in peace, with the sincerity of serving the people, and not barging in and demanding (like the 'Vanni Mission' ship tried to do). naturally there will be a mistrust of you, for no other reason than that of your own creation!

Hope sincerely that you get to help the Sri Lankan Tamil IDPs!

Anonymous said...

Dugi said...

Arjunan is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!
He's gorgeous,

Interseting Twitter exchnage afterwards;

Durga0@arjunan did u see my reply on that - i'm Dugi

Arjunan@durga0 you're not too bad you're self... ;) [look at the bugger wink - hey Nimmi]

Durga0@arjunan u know i was saying that u were gorgeous only to get on people's nerves right? lol [poor Arjunan - hopes of a quicky smashed]

Anonymous said...

actually, from what i hear nimmi and arjuna aren't togeter anymore

the terrorist's, arjuna's, facebook profile says that he is "singale" also.

lucky for all the white girls and tamil girls in london and geneva

by the way there are new videos of him on his youtube:

Dugi /Durga0 said...

The truth is I always wanted Arjunan cos he is sooooooooooooo HOT n fighting for human rights and stuff. But he only goes for HOT actresses :(

Seriously....any woman would go for Arjunan over Indi....hahaha Indi is so butt ugly. lol

Anonymous said...

looks like you missed a few pics in your collage amere verite...

Anonymous said...

more interesting pics